Training and Resources:
Patients expect their health care provider to talk with them about smoking cessation. This page provides the basic training resources needed to complete the 3As model of care in your service.
The webpage is separated into the following sections (click to jump to section):
Care to Quit: Model of care and cheat sheet
CINSW online training lesson 3: Introducing the 3As brief intervention model
This short online lesson provides an interactive overview of the Ask Advise Act brief smoking cessation intervention
Medical Oncology patient journey
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Radiation Oncology patient journey (draft version)
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ENT patient journey (draft version)
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Combined Lung Clinic patient journey
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USA Prof Graham Warren interview: Tobacco in Cancer Treatment Outcomes (1:22min; CINSW resource)
Interview with oncologist Prof Graham Warren:
Smoking in cancer patients increases mortality
Decreases chance of 1st line treatment success
Smoking decreases effectiveness of radiation and all chemotherapy for all cancers (Head & neck, lung, breast, prostate, colon)
Anne Mellon Patient 1 Ask -Impact of smoking on treatment (2:30min; C2Q resource)
Nurse Anne Mellon and the impact of smoking on treatment
“Everyone in the team should address smoking” (0:40min; C2Q resource)
Patient Julie McCrossin
Patient asks for advice to be given at diagnosis (0:52min; C2Q resource)
“It is a healthcare professionals duty of care to inform patients the benefits of quitting”
- Patient Julie McCrossin
Smoking Cessation in Cancer Services - Training (CINSW)
How to ask patients about cessation using AAA model
Anne Mellon Patient 1 Advise -Impact of smoking on treatment (2:15min; C2Q resource)
Nurse Anne Mellon and the impact of smoking on treatment
Anne Mellon Patient 1 Offering treatment options when a patient doesn’t want to quit (1:47min; C2Q resource)
Nurse Anne Mellon and options when a patient doesn’t want to quit
Patient advice about providing advice (0:52min; C2Q resource)
Patient Julie McCrossin:
Show that you care
Be genuinely interested
Patient opinion about the clinician-patient relationship if smoking cessation is discussed (0:49min; C2Q resource)
Patient Julie McCrossin:
If the health professional is authentically wanting to help the patient will listen
Factsheet: Benefits of quitting and harms of smoking for each tumour stream
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Act/ Help:
Tobacco free Clinic referral:
Smoking Cessation Clinic
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Discussing NRT with patients (3:32min; C2Q resource)
Nurse Anne Mellon discussing NRT (patches and spray) with a patient
Follow up appointment and side effects of NRT (2:08min; C2Q resource)
Nurse Anne Mellon discussing side effects of NRT during follow up appointments
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products. How they can help you to quit for good (Quit Victoria resource)
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products brochure by Quit Victoria. (Please click below to access the brochure. Select Victoria at the top of the webpage and in Refine selection click on ‘Brochures’)
Nicotine patches factsheet (Quit Victoria resource)
Nicotine Gum factsheet (Quit Victoria resource)
Nicotine Lozenges factsheet (Quit Victoria resource)
Nicotine Inhalator factsheet (Quit Victoria resource)
Nicotine Mouth Spray factsheet (Quit Victoria resource)
Factsheet: Assessing nicotine dependence (Tool 3)
Questions to assess nicotine dependence
Withdrawal symptoms
Nurse opinion about Quitline (2:08min; C2Q resource)
Nurse Anne Mellon describes Quitline and how to make a referral
Nurse 3As referral to Quitline (1:30min; CINSW resource)
Nurse Kerry Lang provides asks, advises about quitting and referral to Quitline at a chemotherapy appointment
My quit plan: Tips to quit and stay quit
‘My quit plan brochure’ by Quit Victoria. (Please click below to access the brochure. Select Victoria at the top of the webpage and in Refine selection click on ‘Brochures’)