Resources for Clinicians
The following provides useful resources that healthcare professionals can use to assist with smoking cessation care.
The following is provided (click to jump to section)::
Factsheet: Assessing nicotine dependence (Tool 3)
Questions to assess nicotine dependence
Withdrawal symptoms
Quick guide to nicotine replacement therapy (Tool 5)
NRT products and dosage
Contraindications and precautions
Side-effects and how to deal with them
Considerations in pregnancy
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) information booklet
Types of products: lozenges, patches, inhalators, oral spray, gum and how to use them
Side effects and dosage
Tips for helping clients stay smoke free (Tool 6)
Types of products: lozenges, patches, inhalators, oral spray, gum and how to use them
Side effects and dosage
Tips to address barriers to offering advice (RACGP)
Evidence that can be used to dispel myths
Tips to address resistance offering advice
Strategies to respond to patients who are resistant
Benefit of quitting for different cancer types
Evidence in the literature for the benefits of quitting and the harms after continued tobacco use after a cancer diagnosis
Example 3As flowchart (RACGP)
Simple flowchart for 3As model
Example 5As flowchart (Queensland Health)
Detailed flowchart/checklist for the 5As model
NRT flowchart (RACGP)
Flowchart for NRT usage
NRT dosage flowchart (RACGP)
Three questions to assist with dosage for NRT usage
Quick guide to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) (Tool 5)
List of NRT products and direction of use
Contraindications, precautions and dosage chart
Quick guide to drug interactions with smoking cessation (Tool 7)
Drugs interactions impacted by smoking cessation
Referral Forms
GP Champix DTC Campaign 2019
NSW Quitline Online Referral Forms
NSW Quitline Referral Procedure (online)
VIC Quitline Online Referral Forms
RACGP supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals — Chapter 2 (23 pages)
Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation
RACGP supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals (94 pages)
Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation - full document
Smoking Cessation in Cancer Services Training for health professionals (CINSW) (40 pages)
Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation