Training and Resources:

Surgical Oncologists, Cardiothoracic Surgeons and Respiratory Physicians

Patients expect their health care provider to talk with them about smoking cessation. This page provides the basic training resources needed to complete the 3As model of care in your service.

The webpage is separated into the following sections (click to jump to section):

Care to Quit: Model of care and cheat sheet




GP referral

Care to Quit: Model of care and cheat sheet

CINSW online training lesson 3: Introducing the 3As brief intervention model

This short online lesson provides an interactive overview of the Ask Advise Act brief smoking cessation intervention

  • Model of Care SWSLHD Med Oncology

USA Prof Graham Warren interview: Tobacco in Cancer Treatment Outcomes (1:22min; CINSW resource)

Interview with oncologist Prof Graham Warren:

  • Smoking in cancer patients increases mortality

  • Decreases chance of 1st line treatment success

  • Smoking decreases effectiveness of radiation and all chemotherapy for all cancers (Head & neck, lung, breast, prostate, colon)



Emily Stone Full Interview (4:22min; C2Q resource)

Dr Emily Stone Full Interview

Emily Stone Patient 2 (3:37min; ASK; C2Q resource)

Dr Emily Stone patient reenactment

Emily Stone Patient 2 (3:37min; ADVISE; C2Q resource)

Dr Emily Stone patient reenactment

Oncologist dispels myths about cigarettes and stress (1:22min; ADVISE; C2Q resource)

Oncologist Dr Fiona Day with John (lung cancer) provides education:

  • Cigarette use actually increases stress

Oncologist suggestions with resistant patients (0:57min; C2Q resource)

Interview with oncologist Dr Fiona Day provides patients:

  • With an informed choice

  • Benefits of quitting

  • Flag to rediscuss smoking cessation at a later time

Patient opinion about the clinician-patient relationship if smoking cessation is discussed (2:49min; C2Q resource)

Patient Julie McCrossin:

  • If the health professional is authentically wanting to help the patient will listen

  • The clinical case for smoking cessation in cancer care (CINSW)

    Benefits of smoking cessation in cancer

    Negative treatment outcomes if smoking

    AAA module and further advise

  • Smoking cessation in oncology (CINSW)

  • Factsheet: Benefits of quitting and harms of smoking for each tumour stream Med Oncologist

    Description goes here
  • Smoking Cessation in Cancer Services - Training (CINSW)

    How to ask patients about cessation using AAA model


Pharmacist education about the NRT options (3:17min; C2Q resource)

Pharmacist Nicolas Holton provides a summary of NRT:

  • Gum

  • Lozenges

  • Patch

  • Inhaler

  • Mouth spray

  • Contraindications/ Precautions

Medication and reassuring patients (2:28min; C2Q resource)

Dr Emily Stone patient reenactment

Oncologist education about the use of patches (2:21min; C2Q resource)

Oncologist Dr Fiona Day with patient Jessica 

  • Administering the patch

  • Usage

  • Top-up dosage is useful if cravings persist 

Care to Quit Nicotine Replacement Therapy Pharmacotherapy Training (56:38min)

  • Pharmacotherapy training session delivered by Dr James McLennan to the Calvary Mater Newcastle Oncology Department, on 30th Nov 2022

Care to Quit Pharmacotherapy Training 11 Questions (39:59min)

  • Varenicline training session delivered by Dr James McLennan to the Calvary Mater Newcastle Oncology Department, on 21st February 2023

Practical strategies and tips for smoking cessation: Final Smoking Cessation Session (53:53min; C2Q resource)

Pharmacotherapy training session delivered by Dr James McLennan to the Calvary Mater Newcastle Oncology Department, on 1st May 2023

  • Factsheet: Assessing nicotine dependence (Tool 3)

    Questions to assess nicotine dependence


    Withdrawal symptoms

  • NRT Brochure

    Description goes here


Quitline, online tools and NRT (3:06min; ACT; C2Q resource)

Dr Emily Stone patient reenactment

Oncologist education about Quitline (0:37min; ACT; C2Q resource)

Oncologist Dr Fiona Day with patient Jessica 

  • Quitline will assist with forming new habits

  • Quitline brochure

    Description goes here
  • Quit kits

    Description goes here

GP referral:

GPs on the oncologists’ role in smoking cessation (6:58min)

  • GPs Dr Nin Kiu, Dr Charles Ellis, Dr Jimmy Cheng and Dr Jo Thomas on the oncologists’ role in smoking cessation

  • GP referral letter template

    Template to be used as a guide, official referral would be with Eastern Health letterhead