Training for Clinicians:

Radiation Oncology Department

Patients expect their health care provider to talk with them about smoking cessation. This page provides the basic training resources needed to complete the 3As model of care in your service.

The webpage is separated into the following sections (click to jump to section):


Radiation Oncologist




GP Referral





Radiation Therapist





CINSW online training lesson 3: Introducing the 3As brief intervention model

This short online lesson provides an interactive overview of the Ask Advise Act brief smoking cessation intervention

  • Model of Care CMN Rad Onc

  • Factsheet: Benefits of quitting and harms of smoking for each tumour stream

 Radiation Oncologist


  • Quick guide cheat sheet for Radiation Oncologist

Medical Oncologist 3As referral to Quitline (1:24min; CINSW resource)

Medical Oncologist Dr Deme Karikios asks, advises about quitting and referral to Quitline

Emily Stone Full Interview (4:22min; C2Q resource)

Dr Emily Stone discusses the importance of the 3As



Pharmacist education about the NRT options (4:24min; CINSW resource)

Pharmacist Nicolas Holton provides a summary of NRT:

  • Gum

  • Lozenges

  • Patch

  • Inhaler

  • Mouth spray

  • Contraindications/ Precautions

Oncologist education about the use of patches (2:46min; ACT; C2Q resource)

Oncologist Dr Fiona Day with patient Jessica 

  • Administering the patch

  • Usage

  • Top-up dosage is useful if cravings persist 

Care to Quit Nicotine Replacement Therapy Pharmacotherapy Training (56:38min)

  • Pharmacotherapy training session delivered by Dr James McLennan to the Calvary Mater Newcastle Oncology Department, on 30th Nov 2022

Care to Quit Pharmacotherapy Training 11 Questions (39:59min)

  • Varenicline training session delivered by Dr James McLennan to the Calvary Mater Newcastle Oncology Department, on 21st February 2023

  • Quick guide to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

    NRT products and dosage

    Contraindications and precautions

    Side-effects and how to deal with them

    Considerations in pregnancy

Does Champix work better than NRT or other medications? (3:44min)

  • Clinical Psychologist, James McLellan provides evidence that patients are more likely to quit using Champix than single-form NRT, Bupropion or placebo (27 studies)

  • For non-motivated people, even low dose Champix is better than placebo (1 study) 

  • Number needed to treat (for quitting) with Champix is 11, single form NRT 15-23 and Bupropion 22.

Champix drug interactions and contraindications (6:03min)

  • No meaningful drug interactions however not recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding and under 18 years

  • For severe renal disease – a lower dosage is recommended (50% lower dose) according to TGA / product info leaflet

  • Contraindication: alcohol consumption 

  • Does not directly cause serious psychiatric issues (EAGLE trial) 

  • Can be used if having mental health or drug using populations

Champix dosage and administration (3min)

  • There are three modes for prescribing Champix:

    • Set date to stop then start Champix 1-2 weeks before, 

    • Flexible quit date – begin dose and quit day between 8-35 days

    • Slow reduction (for unmotivated smoker) e.g. start dose, then reduce smoking with 50% in the first 4 weeks, 50% again for next 4 weeks. Aim to stop after 12 weeks.

  • Go back to GP at week 3 and 11 (program is 12 weeks in total)

  • Low cost and covered if having healthcare card (available on PBS)

Champix side-effects (2:30min)

  • Main side-effects:

    • Nausea (most common, 30%)

    • Headache

    • Insomnia

    • Possible to increase cardiovascular adverse events

Suggested advice and language to use about Champix (3:24min)

  • Common patient beliefs about using Champix

  • Suggested advice for patients e.g. Champix is not the miracle cure but one slice of the pie and of the overall plan. “Its not the pie”.



Oncologist education about Quitline (0:37min; ACT; C2Q resource)

Oncologist Dr Fiona Day with patient Jessica 

  • Quitline will assist with forming new habits

  • Quitline NSW Brochure

  • QuitKit packs

    To request bulk orders of Quitline materials, please complete the order at:

    To access online versions of the resources:

GP referral:

GPs on the oncologists’ role in smoking cessation (6:58min)

  • GPs Dr Nin Kiu, Dr Charles Ellis, Dr Jimmy Cheng and Dr Jo Thomas on the oncologists’ role in smoking cessation


Patients not willing to quit and difficult patients (2:18min)

  • GPs Dr Charles Ellis, Dr Jimmy Cheng and Dr Jo Thomas discuss patients not willing to quit and difficult patients

What should the oncology team know about how GPs assist with quitting (3:36min)

  • GPs Dr Charles Ellis and Dr Jimmy Cheng talk about what oncology teams should know about how they assist with quitting




  • Quick guide cheat sheet for Nursing

Nurse 3As referral to Quitline (1:30min; CINSW resource)

Nurse Kerry Lang provides asks, advises about quitting and referral to Quitline at a chemotherapy appointment

Anne Mellon Patient 1 Act -Impact of smoking on treatment (2:30min; C2Q resource)

Nurse Anne Mellon and the impact of smoking on treatment

Anne Mellon Patient 1 Advise -Impact of smoking on treatment (2:15min; C2Q resource)

Nurse Anne Mellon and the impact of smoking on treatment

Anne Mellon Patient 1 Offering treatment options when a patient doesn’t want to quit (1:47min; C2Q resource)

Nurse Anne Mellon and options when a patient doesn’t want to quit

Patient opinion about the clinician-patient relationship if smoking cessation is discussed (2:49min; C2Q resource)

Patient Julie McCrossin:

  • If the health professional is authentically wanting to help the patient will listen



Anne Mellon Nurse’s opinion on Pharmacotherapy (2:08min; C2Q resource)

Nurse Anne Mellon’s opinion on Quitline


  • Quitline NSW Brochure

  • QuitKit packs

    To request bulk orders of Quitline materials, please complete the order at:

    To access online versions of the resources:

Radiation Therapist


  • Quick guide cheat sheet for Radiation Therapist

Radiation therapist 3As referral to Quitline (1:20min; CINSW resource)

Radiation Therapist Su Mei Tan asks, advises about quitting and referral to Quitline


Radiation Therapist referral (1:29min, ACT; C2Q resource)

Radiation therapist Manning Carey provides referral to social work and Quitline

Radiation Therapist asking and advising about quitting (0:59min; ADVISE; C2Q resource)

Radiation therapist Manning Carey asks and advises patient Sarah about the benefits of quitting 

Australian Radiation Therapist opinion about smoking cessation (1:28min; C2Q resource)

Radiation therapist Manning Carey on smoking cessation

  • Quick guide to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

    NRT products and dosage

    Contraindications and precautions

    Side-effects and how to deal with them

    Considerations in pregnancy

  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Information

    NRT Brochure from NSW Health


  • Quitline NSW Brochure

  • QuitKit packs

    To request bulk orders of Quitline materials, please complete the order at:

    To access online versions of the resources: